Why I'm skipping React Redux to study Zustand for state management and Why You Should Too!

State management is an important aspect of building modern web applications, as it helps manage the data flow between different components. In recent years, React Redux has been the go-to solution for state management in React applications. However, as the JavaScript ecosystem continues to evolve, new and simpler solutions are emerging that offer a better developer experience and improved performance. One such library is Zustand.

In this article, I'll explain why I've decided to skip React Redux and study Zustand for state management, and why I believe you should too.

First of all, let's take a look at what React Redux is and how it works. React Redux is a library that provides a way to connect React components to a global state store, which can be updated by dispatching actions. The store is updated using reducers, which are functions that determine how the state should change based on the action that was dispatched. This approach is commonly known as "Flux architecture."

While React Redux is a powerful solution, it can also be quite complex, especially for beginners. Setting up a store, writing reducers, and connecting components to the store can be a time-consuming and confusing process, especially for those new to the concept of Flux architecture.

On the other hand, Zustand is a simple and easy-to-use state management library for React. It eliminates the need for creating a separate store and connecting components to it. Instead, Zustand uses hooks to manage state directly in the component, making it easier to understand and maintain.

In addition to its simplicity, Zustand also offers improved performance. Because Zustand manages state at the component level, it only re-renders the components that are using the state, making it much more efficient than React Redux, which re-renders the entire component tree whenever the store changes.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient state management solution for your React applications, I highly recommend giving Zustand a try. It's a great alternative to React Redux and will help you build better and more performant applications with less code. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, Zustand is worth considering for your next project.